SCELBI 1K Applications Running

Here is the output of a couple of applications, as captured on a terminal program on a Macintosh connected to my reproduction 8H via a RS232 interface.

100 digits of pi

100 digits of pi

The circles on top are part of the output of a concentric circle program that I will write about in a later post. The bottom is the output of a program written by Egan Ford that generates the first 100 digits of the constant PI. This program takes about 21 seconds to run.

Egan has been benchmarking various early 8 bit microprocessors using the generation of 1000 digits of PI as the benchmark. For the 8008, this benchmark needs 4K of memory. Since I only have 1K, at the moment, I asked Egan if he could reduce the scope of the program to fit in 1K. He was kind enough to take on this challenge and this is the result.

The source for the PI program can be found here:

The binary, which can be downloaded to your SCELBI with the boot loader discussed in a previous post, is here: