SCELBI Audio (AIFF format) to Intel Hex Converter Tool

This program converts SCELBI Audio files that have been digitized into AIFF format into Intel hex files. My 8008 emulators use Intel hex files, so I know that this will be an efficient way to move files back and forth between the two worlds. It works well enough that I was able to recover a 40 year old original SCELBI tape that my reproduction SCELBI couldn’t completely handle.

The program is a work in progress, and there is some ugliness in the commenting, coding style, etc, but it works well enough, that I figured I’d share it, rather than wait to find the time to perfect it. I put the source in the retro-restore newsgroup files section under SCELBI. Be aware that you need to download an AIFF “C” language library from source forge to build it.

It should be possible to use the program as a starting point for other audio format conversions that use FSK or similar encoding methods. At some point I’ll write a program that goes the other way from Intel hex to audio, like I have done for the Apple 1 and II.

Mike Willegal

2 thoughts on “SCELBI Audio (AIFF format) to Intel Hex Converter Tool

  1. Pingback: SCELBI Intel Hex to AIFF Sound File Converter Utility « Mike's Hobby Blog

  2. Pingback: SCELBI 1702 EPROM Contents Troubleshooting « Mike's Hobby Blog

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