More on SCELBI

In September, I did a presentation on the history and technology of the SCELBI computer business at VCF-Midwest.  I enjoyed doing the research for that talk, and it inspired me to start writing down what I learned.  This story will be illustrated with many of the images that I have acquired over the years of researching SCELBI.

I’m about 2/3rds of the way through writing the initial draft.  As I put together this document, I am learning a lot more than I expected.  I have answered a few of the questions I had originally raised, in preparing the VCF-MW presentation.  Some other questions have been raised, but I suppose that that is how these things go.

As I started writing this story, I found it was necessary to put the SCELBI business in context with other start up businesses and hobby activities that were going on at the time.  This story is becoming almost as much, the story of the first generation of 8008 based home/hobby computers, as the story of SCELBI, itself.  I plan to have a draft to share in a month or two.

My hope that the vintage computer hobbyist or historian might enjoy this story, once I get it into shape.

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