SCELBI Style Enclosure for Scopewriter

I built a SCELBI Style enclosure for my Scopewriter interface.

SCELBI Scopewriter Interface Exterior
SCELBI Scopewriter Interface Exterior

Instead of using rub on lettering, I printed decals on decal paper using a laser printer. The results are similar to rub on transfer lettering, but not quite as nice, as, if you look really close, you can see the transparent edge of the decal. The big advantage of decals is that I can print them at home for the cost of the decal paper.

The interior looks pretty much like original SCELBI peripherals. One mistake I made, was to build it upside down, when compared to original SCELBI peripherals. Not a wonderful thing, but at least it will easier to display at shows that I sometimes attend.

Interior SCELBI Scopewriter Interface Enclosure
Interior SCELBI Scopewriter Interface Enclosure