Some Exciting News to Be Revealed Soon and Tek 465 Repair Fail

Keep following this blog as I reveal some details of the repair of an extremely rare computer. I think that this system is currently the only fully operational original system of it’s kind in existence.

After a bunch of effort and a number of replaced parts, I have decided that my Tek 465 might possibly have a bad CRT. I’ve decided to put this repair effort on the back burner and ordered a INSTEK GDS-1054B digital scope. It has 4 channels and 50 MHz speed which should be sufficient for most of my hobby purposes going forward. I’m not real excited by the 50MHz speed, but given the price point that I was shooting for, it was either that or drop down to two channels to get a 100MHz unit at a similar price. I figured that I would use the extra channels more often than the extra speed, so I went with the 4 channel 50MHz unit. One problem is that it doesn’t support Z mode, which means I don’t have a way to run my SCELBI CRT Interface until I either get the Ten 465 working again or get one of my Heathkit OM-14’s restored. Somehow I ended up with three of those Heathkit scopes. I intend to restore two and use the last one for parts.

Finally watch my demonstration of an operating SCELBI-8H with Digital Group Video card at the Virtual VCF that will be shown on youtube tomorrow: . I think that this shows that with some effort, the SCELBI-8H can be transformed into a pretty useful computer.