city point
The City Point Terminal Model Railroad

City Point was the US Armies main supply base during the siege of Petersburg, the final defeat of the Confederacy and occupation of the Southeast states during reconstruction.  This base was considered one of the busiest ports in the world during this period.  It was quite a marvel for the time.  Prior to the US Army's occupation, it was a run down port of minor consequence.  For a short article about City Point, see this page. The plans for modelling this site were initially concieved after seeing Merrick's excellent map of the City Point facilities made shortly after the war.  Also many photographs of City Point can be found online at the Library of Congress's digital archives, at the National Archives site and elsewhere on the web.

About the City Point and Army Line Railroad

Layout construction and modeling

About the name of my model railroad:

The most commonly used name of the US Military Railroad serving the Union forces around Petersburg was the City Point and Army Line.  My model is only planned to model the part of the railroad at the end of the line around the City Point port facilities, not the portions serving the Armies.  The end of a railroad is known as the terminus of the railroad, or terminal.  Hence the name of my model railroad is "the City Point Terminal Railroad."

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