Whacky 8008/Scelbi Emulator Project

Before I actually build a pilot batch of the Hobby cards that I have been designing, I need some pilot projects to try it out with.

One of these projects is kind of off the wall. I’m working on an 8008/Scelbi emulator that runs in a Unix type shell. Eventually I’ll port this to the 6502 and be able to run it on the Apple II. The 1MHZ 6502 in the Apple II is well over 5 times faster than an 500KHZ 8008, so this isn’t as crazy as it first seems.

Eventually a brain board version seems like it would make sense. In order to get the full Scelbi effect, I’ll also need to build a replica Scelbi front panel. This is where the hobby board comes in – as the hobby board becomes the interface to the replica Scelbi front panel from the Apple II runing the Scelbi emulator in the brain board. wow -I’ll be surprised if anyone made sense of that last statement when they first read it.

If you don’t know what a Scelbi is, check out the wikipedia entry.