SCELBI Front Panel Installed – new images

I found a digicam and was able to take these photos.

SCELBI Front Panel Natural Lighting

SCELBI Front Panel Natural Lighting

Front Panel - flash lighting

Front Panel – flash lighting

This panel has more scratches than most of them. Installed and in normal lighting it takes close inspection to reveal them. It is good enough that I’m going to use this panel on my “exhibition” SCELBI.

Within the next week, I should be able to screen print the rest of the panels, figure out the best way to ship, and set a price.

2 thoughts on “SCELBI Front Panel Installed – new images

  1. yep, I hope to have time to screen print the legend on the rest of the batch over the weekend. I already have shipping boxes on order. Like usual, I’m setting pricing at the last minute, but I’ll probably have at least two prices, one for either PCB bundles or those that have already purchased PCB sets, and another, higher price for separate sale. Some of the panels have some scratches similar to the pictured prototype unit, and those will be offered at a discount.

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