Amateur Radio General License Exam

In the USA, there are currently three classes of amateur radio licenses, Technician, General and Extra. Each advancement in class gives the license holder additional broadcast privileges.

Yesterday, I passed my Amateur Radio (AKA HAM) General License exam. This gives me permission to broadcast RTTY data on a number of additional frequencies over the Technical License that I already held. Though I’m not entirely set up with the software and the hardware I need for RTTY, getting the General License is another step toward getting “on the air”.

Since passing the General test, allows you free attempt at the Extra test in the same test session, I gave it a try. Out of 50 questions, I had 29 correct, 8 short of what I needed to gain an Extra license. Since I’ve gone this far, and am apparently pretty close to knowing enough to obtain an Extra license, I figure I might as well continue studying for a couple more months and see if I can obtain the Extra license.

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