More Apple 1 Fonts

In a previous post, I talked about how the lettering on the Apple 1 was probably done with a K&E Leroy system. However, I forgot to mention that the larger letters were not done with Leroy. Those letters were probably done with a Letraset or similar rub on transfer system. Take a close look at the Apple Computer 1 lettering, which is representative of the larger lettering seen throughout the board.



This lettering is in the general form of Helvetica, with subtle differences from most variations of Helvetica that you see today. Through extensive searching I found a very close match with Neue Haas Grotest Std Text 65 Medium. This is a recreated version of the predecessor to Helvetica. Check out this page with more information about this font.

Here is a recreation of the Apple Computer 1 lettering using this font. I think it would be hard to beat this match.

Replicated Apple Computer 1 logo

Replicated Apple Computer 1 logo

replicated Apple 1 copyright notice

replicated Apple 1 copyright notice

If someone has a Letraset catalog from the 70’s, it would be interesting to see if they can find a good match in one of those catalogs.

2 thoughts on “More Apple 1 Fonts

  1. Surely the address was:
    “Palo Alto, Ca.”
    and not:
    “Palo Alto. Ca.”
    It’s just the limited “resolution” of the solder blob that is making the comma look like a period?

  2. I believe that you are right – that dot is something like.01″ in diameter which would make the “tail” about the width of a human hair, probably too fine for most etching technologies of the time.

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